
AV Bargaining Update

Recently on-road Union Leaders have been present at bargaining sessions. Their direct contributions regarding members bargaining claims have prompted thoughtful consideration from Ambulance Victoria. 

Even still, bargaining progresses slowly, with no significant agreements reached. AV’s default stance is non-support for claims with cost impacts unless covered by obvious inefficiencies. 

The current operational agreement expires on January 31, 2024, and uncertainty exists regarding a replacement agreement. Negotiations with the government are ongoing to establish a final package for member voting. 

The union has emphasized that without notable changes to aspects like Meals and End of Shift Management, paramedic member support for any proposed agreement is unlikely.  

AV are seeking to alter the rolled-in-rate which would cause a reduction in wages, which the union is firmly against. The union has also been strong in communicating that the government’s offer of a 3% per year wage increase falls significantly short of members’ expectations. 

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Members are urged to stay informed about the progress of other Public Sectors in their bargaining campaigns. Notably, Fire (UFU), Police (TPAV), and Rail Tram and Bus (RTBU) have either initiated or are set to begin protected industrial action in response to Government offers.  

Additionally, members at ESTA are voting on taking protected industrial action, which appears likely. 

For queries regarding individual claims contact Darren Law 0434 628 877 

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