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Spares Working Group

In the 2020 EA the AEAV fought for and won a commitment...

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PCU Stories

A significant proportion of AV employees have little faith in the PCU...

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ESTA Staffing Review

One of the outcomes of the recent ESTA agreement was to form...

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AV not learning lessons from COVID-19

AEAV have recently discussed with DHHS the attempt by Ambulance Victoria to...

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Gippsland Bullying Seminar - 8 October 2020

The AEAV is conducting information and training seminars on 8 October 2020...

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AV cover-up allegations of misconduct by managers

Over recent weeks the AEAV has provided assistance to a member who...

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Fast-tracked Covid-19 Workcover Claims

During the Covid-19 period, the AEAV have been campaigning for support mechanisms...

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Regional Centres Resourcing - Survey

ACO’s play a critical role in providing emergency care in Victorian regional...

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No Paramedic should be targeted for protecting themselves

Paramedic Rob Paton received a registration restriction after defending himself against an...

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Ambulance Victoria Agreement: Action on fair pay, safety and exposure to drugs

Ambulance Victoria Agreement: Action on fair pay, safety and exposure to drugs...

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