
AV Admin

Meal Break Consultation

AEAV met with AV to discuss issues about lack of staff consultation...

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Vaccinations - Factsheet

Ambulance Victoria staff are strongly encouraged to get a COVID-19 vaccination due...

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Bullying - Factsheet

What is workplace bullying? Workplace bullying is verbal, physical, social, or psychological...

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Welfare Meetings - Factsheet

AEAV have been advised that Ambulance Victoria are undertaking performance management and...

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Flexible Work - Factsheet

Flexible Work Ambulance Victoria Employees have several options for flexible work for...

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Supporting HSR's

Health and Safety Representatives (HSR’s, OHS Representative) have a key role in...

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AEAV member challenges ‘boys club’ culture and wins

The AEAV recently represented a member who applied for lateral transfer into...

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Submission to Financial Transaction Services change process

The period for providing feedback about the FTS change process has now...

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