Recruitment for dispatch roles
The AEAV raised the issue of recruitment for dispatch roles, and were clear about the need for an appropriate process for dispatch recruitment. ESTA advised the selection process for dispatch recruitment has been flagged as a requiring a review. The timeframes for the review will be provided shortly. For the recent recruitment process ESTA committed to providing every applicant with feedback about their application.
Implementation of new staffing
AEAV queried the timeframe for implementation of staffing as a result of the recent state budget, an additional 38.8 staff allocated to ambulance as follows –
- 20.8 FTE CTD staff
- 5 FTE Ambulance support
- 10 FTE to assist with workload
- 1 FTE Ambulance TL
- 2 FTE Multi-Skill dispatchers
We were advised that ESTA will provide a plan around recruitment and training at the next meeting.
Leave approvals – Other issues raised were in relation to consistency of leave approvals and not having leave approved with work days in the middle of the leave, ESTA are looking at leave docs and will ensure consistent processes.
ESTA have advised that there is a draft multi-skill policy that will be available at the next UCC. Additionally, education will provided to staff about what multi-skill means.
AV Assist Other Agency
ESTA reported on future changes for Police, Fire and SES dispatchers to event code for multi-service events, which alleviates the issue of Police/Fire dispatchers phoning call-takers. Ambulance staff will receive a Comms bulletin to advise of the change. The process will be in trial for three months, you are encouraged to speak with an AEAV representative for further information or to provide feedback once the trial commences.
Other issues discussed, please contact your local AEAV representative to hear more about these –
- Comms bulletins and lack of training around these
- Use of contracts to fill ongoing positions in cases where there is not suitable candidates
- Forward overtime planning – notification will now come out when there is planned overtime availability
- Lifeline will be provided for training around the mental health responder for Ambulance and Police staff