


Member Benefits

Member benefits

Joining AEAV means you’re part of one Australia’s most powerful unions, with 150,000 fellow members standing beside you. You have the back up and support you need so you can win at work.

Being a union member gives you the power to have a say about your job, your industry, and your life. It means you can work with other union members to ensure you are valued and respected for your skills and hard work.


As a member of the AEAV, while you’re at work you are protected against adverse workplace events through industrial expertise and legal support when it is required. Your professional needs are met through the provision of Professional Indemnity Insurance and access to Continuing Professional Development.


We help members successfully resolve workplace issues and support workers to get ahead in their career. Union members collaborate to achieve effective outcomes and improve their wages and conditions through campaigning and negotiating with their employer. Industrial laws are complex and the AEAV can assist you in understanding all your workplace rights and obligations.
The AEAV is the only registered Ambulance Union in Victoria.

AEAV Membership Fees

Prices per week:

  • Includes professional indemnity insurance

Full time – $16.75

Part time – n/a

Prices per week:

  • Includes professional indemnity insurance

Full time – $8.50

Part time – n/a

Per year:

One-off payment: $8.50/year

Prices per week:

Full time – $12.75 (more than 15 hours/week)

Part time – $8.50 (less than 15 hours/week)

Prices per week:

Full time – $12.75 (more than 15 hours/week)

Part time – $8.50 (less than 15 hours/week)

Price per week: $10.75 (more than 15 hours) or $8.50 (less than 15 hours)

Prices per week:

Full time – $12.75 (more than 15 hours/week)

Part time – $8.50 (less than 15 hours/week)

Prices per week:

Full time – $12.75 (more than 15 hours)

Part time – $8.50 (less than15 hours/week)

No fee

All these great benefits serve you and those you work with, and union dues are tax deductible.