
Removal of Clinician role at Triple Zero BalSECC

AEAV has written on behalf of union members to the Health Minister, Ambulance Victoria (AV), and Triple Zero Victoria (TZV) regarding the proposed removal of the Clinician role at Triple Zero BalSECC.

Union members have acknowledged that the Clinician workgroup at BalSECC has faced significant health and safety issues, including fatigue and stress from understaffing. Despite Ambulance Victoria’s efforts, there remains an inadequate number of Intensive Care Paramedics (ICPs) available.

The removal of the Clinician role from BalSECC is seen as a considerable loss. Union members are concerned about how this change will impact clinical advice for managing emergency calls and the ability to handle urgent cases effectively. The absence of on-site Clinicians may also impede the development of essential knowledge for making appropriate referrals, potentially leading to more frequent issues with case management and adverse outcomes for patients.

Union members have called for improved consultation between Triple Zero and Ambulance Victoria, particularly involving workplace health and safety representatives and union delegates. Members seek clarity on whether there will be efforts to train staff for AV Clinician roles and whether there are plans to reinstate these roles at BalSECC in the future. This situation is viewed as part of a broader issue within the healthcare system, where fragmented coordination and a lack of staff involvement in decision-making are affecting both staff and community services. Read the union’s letter to Ambulance Victoria and Triple Zero through the links below.

UWU – Removal of Ambulance Victoria Clinician role at Triple Zero BalSECC

UWU Letter – TZV Removal of the Ambulance Victoria Clinician role at Triple Zero BalSECC

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