Ambulance Victoria staff are strongly encouraged to get a COVID-19 vaccination due to the risks of exposure in your role. Until 13 June 2021, you do not need to book in advance, and priority access will be ensured by active queue management.
What do I need to take to get the vaccine?
Employees will need to provide ID to show that they are an AV staff member or First Responder to receive priority access to the vaccination.
Can I be vaccinated during the blitz whilst on duty?
Yes, if workload permits. Speak to the Duty Manager to ensure the time is suitable and adequate coverage is maintained.
What if I can’t receive a vaccination during work time?
If you are a frontline operational staff member, you can access a $200 payment to cover the time and travel for your two vaccine doses. This is only available until 30 June 2021 and is payable after you have received the first dose.
What if I receive an adverse event after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine?
The government has advised that Paid Special leave should apply to employees who receive a vaccination and who suffer an adverse effect that does not require them to isolate. To access paid special leave in this circumstance, employees will be required to provide a medical certificate confirming the reason for not attending work is due to the adverse effect that doesn’t require them to isolate.
In this instance, paid Special Leave will be capped at a maximum of two days per vaccination received, or four days of leave in total per employee across all COVID-19 vaccinations received by the employee in 2021.
What do I need to do after the vaccine?
Look after yourself! Many people have experienced adverse effects from the vaccine, so be prepared for these. Also, make sure you fill in the AV HR Kiosk to advise that you have had a vaccine.
Can I still receive paid special leave if I am required to isolate?
Paid Special Leave is available to employees who are required to be tested for COVID-19 but do not have symptoms precluding them from work and subsequently do not need to use personal leave. The Special Leave is available until negative test results are received.
What if I don’t want to have the vaccine?
At this stage the vaccination is not compulsory for ESTA, Patient Transport or Ambulance Victoria staff, however staff are strongly encouraged to have the vaccination due to their exposure risks.
I still have more questions!
If you have additional questions about COVID-19 vaccinations and your rights and entitlements, we encourage you to contact us on 03 9287 1713.